Saturday, February 26, 2011

Rihanna and Ciara ciber war...

Well last night on twitter Rihanna and Ciara had a feud going on between each other that turned real ugly...Rhianna was mad at Ciara cause CiCi went on E news and said some not so nice comments about Rihanna fashion style so in retaliation RiRi tweeted "oh I'm sorry Ciara did I forget to tip you" then Ciara responded "I'll see you on stage or off the stage" then RiRi said "Oh you gangsta huh hahahah" the two divas went back and forth until Rihanna settled the beef with "lets jus kiss and make up "...Twitter was on fire everybody had a input on it...At the end Ciara said sorry and Rihanna said sorry the end.

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